Bed Find & Hospital Admission Services
Every day that you spend in a hospital far away from home is a costly one. That’s why Lifesupport Air Medical Services can arrange to have a hospital bed waiting for you when you arrive in your home city. We are experts at navigating the complex world of hospital bed allocations and have deep relationships with all hospitals and most long-term care facilities in Canada.
Start Your Journey

Finding You a Hospital Bed Close to Home
Our dedicated team of bed-finding experts is on call to help you get admitted to the most suitable hospital close to your home. We take into account the geographic proximity to your home, the services offered by the hospital, and the insurance accepted by the hospital.
Quick Turnarounds for Hospital Admission
We can find you a hospital bed quickly. Depending on your target location and insurance, we can get you admitted within 24-48 hours. Some locations may take closer to a week. In addition to finding you a hospital bed, we can arrange medical transport to the hospital. Get in touch to find out more.

What We Need
From You
We will ask you for information such as your current location, medical status, attending physician, your insurance information, your home address, and other specific details. This will help us quickly get you admitted to a hospital close to home.
Get in touch
Our team of experts is standing by to help you navigate the unfamiliar world of medical repatriation.
We’re here to help