Medical Transportation Case Studies
Our mission is to provide emergency medical transportation worldwide to bring people back home to Canada. Here are some examples of our team at work.

Rescue in Nicaragua
When a patient was severely burned from a motorcycle accident that occurred deep in the jungles of Nicaragua, the Lifesupport Air Medical Services Rapid Response Medical Team was mobilized into action. With no suitable runways to land on near the patient, the fastest way to reach the patient was via speedboat. Packing with us critical medical supplies, including burn dressings, antibiotics and extra IV fluids, our Critical Care Transport nurse flew into the capital city of Nicaragua. From there, we arranged a speedboat to travel down river, a 4 hour journey to reach, treat and evacuate the patient. Setting up a treatment centre in a local hotel, proper medical care and treatment was initiated. The patient was flown to Vancouver the next day and admitted to the burn centre in stable condition, where she began her recovery, safely back home.
Cruise Ship Evacuation
The true meaning of emergency medical assistance is the ability to reach your patient during their time of need – anywhere in the world. As patients travel further and further from home, at sea, global medical evacuation support becomes a critical cornerstone for any assistance company.
While at sea, 3 days from the nearest port of Dutch Harbour, Alaska, a patient developed a severe pneumonia. The Lifesupport Air Medical Services team was called into action. Using one of the most unique tools in our emergency evacuation kit, the King Air 300, our team landed in this remote Alaskan community in the Aleutian Island Chain. The cruise ship was intercepted directly in port, and the patient was flown under the care of our Critical Care Transport team to a hospital in Vancouver, British Columbia.
Commercial Stretcher Service
A patient suffered a cardiac arrest while on holiday in Turkey. Admitted to the University Hospital in Istanbul, the patient, who was ventilator dependent, required critical care repatriation to his home city of Melbourne. Working with Emirates Airlines, the Lifesupport Air Medical Services Critical Care Transport team was dispatched to Istanbul. On board the Emirates Airlines flight, our team provided in flight critical care medical treatment during the long distance mission via Dubai. Our unique ability to provide Critical Care Transport on board many of the world’s leading airlines is globally recognized. Lifesupport Air Medical Services is a world leader in global commercial airline stretcher transport, leveraging our relationships with major carriers, bringing complex medical capabilities on board the global network of commercial airlines.
Global Cooperation
A patient was visiting her family in China. While on her holiday, the patient developed a new diagnosis of stomach cancer, with a bleeding disorder. Proper medical care was not available in this part of China, and the patient wished to return home to Vancouver, Canada for urgent medical care. Since time was of the absolute essence with this high level care, Lifesupport Air Medical Services arranged admission to a hospital bed in Vancouver. We then coordinated a wing to wing transfer with Beijing 999 – an air ambulance based in Beijing. Beijing 999 picked up the patient within 24 hours, and our air ambulance met up with the patient in Anchorage, Alaska, where we performed a wing to wing transfer, onward to Vancouver, where the patient was admitted to the hospital for ongoing medical care.
Get in touch
Our team of experts is standing by to help you navigate the unfamiliar world of medical repatriation.
We’re here to help